How can we help?
Tuhono Whānau
Whānau Oranga
Tuhono Whānau

Tuhono Whānau is a pēpi centered and whānau focused service that begins with whānau consent, and offers:

- A free service, in your own home

- A whānau kaiāwhina who will recognise your mana, strengths, values, and needs

- Support for your whānau to access community support services and help you plan to achieve your positive goals

- Learning opportunities to enhance the parenting skills within your whānau

- Guidance to improve your whānau health, welfare, education, and general wellbeing

- Medium to long term support for your whānau

The best time to contact Tuhono Whānau is during hapūtanga, or up to baby’s first year In certain circumstances, we will take on whānau in baby’s second year

You can be referred by:

- Your Midwife

- Your Doctor

- Plunket

- Maternity Services

- WellChild Providers

- Self-Referrals

Come see us! Or, with your consent, we can speak to your health support person.

Te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tupu o te rākau -The way in which the young sapling is nurtured, determines how the tree will grow.

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

Tuhono Whanua Administration 

Phone : 0223449431

Email :


Phone : (06) 864 8316

3 Tuparoa Road. Ruatorea 4032. 

Te Araroa

Phone : (06) 864 4801

26 Moana Parade. Te Araroa 4087

Te Tini o Porou 

Phone : (06) 867 8550

75 Huxley Road Kaiti, Gisborne 4010

More Resources

Ētahi Atu Rauemi
Service Reach
Available to whānau from Gisborne to Te Araroa
Downloadable Content
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