How can we help?
Ngāti Porou Oranga offer a range of services to provide the best support for you and your tamariki. For more on what we can offer, see the list of services below

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Worried about the mental wellbeing of your tamaiti?

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Taking a non-clinical approach, our Mataora Service provides free mental health and  advocacy support for those with immediate concerns.

Are your tamariki finding it hard at kura?

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The SWiS service bridges the gap between school, home, and community, to ensure enhanced life outcomes, positive education, and safe social and health outcomes for tamariki - Our Social Workers in Schools also provide Whānau Support, which looks to reducing need and stress within clients Attendance Services offers support for tamariki who may be disengaging in kura.

Keeping tamariki engaged

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Hapū Social Services works to deliver Holiday Programmes for young people

Has your child been injured?

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Finding the ACC system difficult to navigate? ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service offers free, independent advice or guidance.

Providing tamariki with a safe space

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Whānau Care works with Oranga Tamariki to reconnect and reintegrate mokopuna in Oranga Tamariki care and custody, with their Ngāti Porou whānau and hapū. Te Awe Toroa is a high and complex rangatahi residence. Te Whare Awhina offers emergency care for mokopuna. Program, Kaitiaki Mokopuna, provides kaitiaki caregiver support. Awhi Whānau supports whānau who have had a report of concern to Oranga Tamariki.

Our Services
Ā Mātou Ratonga
General Practitioners Service
Whangaia Kete
Whānau Wellbeing
Whānau Care
Social Workers In Schools
Manaaki Kaiāwhina
Hapu Social Services
Attendance Services
Attendance Kaiārahi Officers
Ngā Pae Matarau
Mataora Services
Mana Ake