How can we help?
Mana Ake
Pakeke & Kaumātua
Mana Ake

Delivered by Ngāti Porou Oranga and Turanga Health, Mana Ake Tairāwhiti is a programme which looks to support school aged tamariki and their whānau in Mainstream School, Kura Kaupapa, and Ngā Kura a Iwi. Mana Ake is for tamariki who are experiencing circumstances that impact on their mental health and wellbeing. We work alongside kura and whānau when they have concerns about a child’s wellbeing.

Our kaimahi work to help tamariki learn skills such as coping with change or challenges, managing their emotions, building positive relationships, or overcoming grief and loss.

We also support kaiako to deliver classroom programmes that promote wellbeing, work with tamariki and their whānau at home or kura, and connect kura and whānau to community resources that enhance overall wellbeing.

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

You can kōrero to your child’s kaiako or a member of the school staff to check if Mana Ake is the right service to support your tamariki.

If your tamariki does not currently attend a kura, you can see if Mana Ake is for you by calling 0800 444 or emailing

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Ētahi Atu Rauemi
Service Reach
In collaboration with Turanga Health, Mana Ake is available in all kura (mainstream and kura Kaupapa) in Te Tairāwhiti and the Western Rural area - from Potaka to Matawai, and everywhere in between.
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