How can we help?
Whānau Engagement
Whānau Oranga
Pakeke & Kaumātua
Whānau Engagement

The Whanau Engagement in Education Kaikōkiri works closely with whanau and support them to ensure that they are safe and have a plan to engage or re-engage in an education or a mātauranga Māori pathway. 

The Kaikōkiri helps whanau navigate their pathway to ensure they receive correct and specific support to achieving their own educational aspirations.

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

To explore how Whānau Engagement can assist you,

Makere Kaa

Cell: 022 470 2755



1 Barry Avenue

PO Box 226 , Ruatorea 4032

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Ētahi Atu Rauemi
Service Reach
Available for whānau from Potikirua ki Te Toka a Taiau
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