How can we help?
Rangatahi Services
Whānau Oranga
Rangatahi Services

NEET (not in employment , education, or training)

The aim of the Youth Service NEET is to engage and support eligible 16 and 17 year olds(and some 15 year olds) not in employment, education, training or work based learning, or those at risk of becoming NEET.

 The target group for the services are:

a)     16-17 years old and NEET or at risk of becoming  NEET; or

b)     15 years old and;

-        Have an early exemption from the ministry of education; or

-        When the school year has finished, will turn 16 before the next school year starts, and have no intention of returning

         to school when they are 16; and

c)     Are not receiving a main benefit for Ministry of Social Development

Youth Payment (YP) and Youth Parent Payment (YPP)

The aim of the service is to engage and support the young people to achieve improved well being through sustained education, training, work based learning or employment. This will contribute to them achieving long term economic independence and reducing the risk of long term benefit dependency.


We would like to work with those young people who either:

a)     Youth Payment (YP) i.e 16-17 year olds without dependent children who require financial assistance due to a family breakdown or are in a recognised relationship;

b)     Young Parent Payment (YPP) i.e 16-19 year old teen parents;

c)     Young Partners i.e 16-17 year olds with dependent children who are partners of main beneficiaries; or

d)     Young Parent Partners i.e. 16-19 year old teen parents who are partners of main beneficiaries.

Whānau Wellbeing Youth Mentoring

We offer mentoring for rangatahi aged 16-24 years who are at risk. Whānau will receive guidance to identify their aspirations and restore wellbeing and mauri ora.

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

To learn more about how Rangatahi service can help you

Phone : 0800 676768


Te Tini o Porou

Phone : 0800676768

75 Huxley Road Kaiti , Gisborne 4010


Phone : (06) 864 9004

1 Barry Avenue , Ruatorea 4032

Te Puia Springs Hospital

Phone : (06) 864 6803

4 McKenzie Street , Te Puia Springs 4079 

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Ētahi Atu Rauemi
Service Reach
Gisborne to Te Araroa
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