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How can we help?
Ko Hikurangi te Maunga
Ko Waiapu te Awa
Ko Ngāti Porou te Iwi
Ngāti Porou Oranga is a charitable trust and subsidiary of Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou. We are an integrated health, development, and support services provider. Launched in 2022, our organisation represents the interests of whānau and hapū of Ngāti Porou to provide health services to iwi members, improve wellbeing, and increase life expectancy of our population.
We are the sole primary health care provider for the East Coast; aiming to understand community led priorities for our iwi to thrive.
Learn about Hauora
Working with whānau to find, sustain, and maintain housing opportunities within the Ngāti Porou rohe.
Learn about Housing
Whānau Oranga
A continuum of services to help our whānau within our Ngāti Porou and greater Gisborne City to enjoy and overcome obstacles.
Learn about Whānau Oranga
Our vision preview image
Our Vision
To Tātou Moemoeā
'Te Whakapūmau i te Mana Motuhake o Ngāti Porou mo nga Uri Whakatipu'

Our prosperity as Ngāti Porou is a reflection of the holistic well-being of our people. We work on behalf of iwi members, and the many generations to come, to achieve our collective vision of political, social, cultural, environmental, and economic self-determination.
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How We Can Help
Me Pēhea E Taea Ai E Matou Te Āwhina
Our family background image
Pakeke & Kaumātua
Work With Us
Mahi Tahi Mai
Working for Ngāti Porou Oranga isn’t just a job, it's a lifestyle.

We pride ourselves in being a supportive, whānau-friendly, and Te Ao Māori focused environment where people love coming to work. We are committed to offering our kaimahi a range of benefits and opportunities for both professional and personal development. Come work within a varied and accelerated learning environment, and join our close- knit community on the beautiful East Coast.

Be part of our movement to transform rural and indigenous health and wellbeing!
Join Us
work with us image
work with us image
work with us image
Impact in the Community
Painga Ki Te Hapori
Raumati Roadshow 2024
Raumati Roadshow 2024
To thank communities for their resilience during Cyclone Gabrielle, Ngāti Porou Oranga launched the Raumati Roadshows that provided a series of family-fun events and opportunity for connection along SH35 in February 2024.
Whānau members took part in the Raumati Roadshow!
Post-Cyclone Gabrielle Whānau Oranga Support
Post-Cyclone Gabrielle Whānau Oranga Support
During the devastating aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle in 2023, our services came together to head out into our communities to provide support and do welfare checks with our whānau in need .
Whānau were visited and welfare checked by our Whānau Oranga services.
Hauora Kaimahi
Hauora Kaimahi
Our Hauora sector is filled with dedicated and passionate kaimahi that continue to support our whānau
Kaimahi in the Hauora sector as of 2023.
Social Workers in Schools and Attendance Services
Social Workers in Schools and Attendance Services
Our Social Workers in Schools and Attendance Services aim to provide effective intervention with our tamariki when it comes to attending school.
Tamariki have been a part of the intervention programme with our Social Workers in Schools and Attendance Services
Helping whānau own their own homes
Helping whānau own their own homes
Stability, community, and pride that comes through home ownership can sometimes feel like a distant horizon, but we are here to support whanau through these processes.
Whānau in the Toitū Tairāwhiti Home Ownership Programme in 2023.
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