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Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work for Horouta Whānau Ora Kaiarahi - Kelly Pohio
Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work for Horouta Whānau Ora Kaiarahi - Kelly Pohio

Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Hikurangi me Mangahauini ngā maunga
Ko Waiapu me Waipaoa ngā awa
Ko Ngāti Porou me Te Aitanga a Mahaki ngā iwi
Ko Kelly Pohio taku ingoa

Tell us about your recent tohu and how it applies into your current mahi as a
Kaiarahi for Horouta Whānau Ora?

I actually did Ngā Poutoko Whakarara Oranga - Bachelor of Bicultural Social Work.
What that means is the joining of Te Ao Pākehā with Te Ao Māori. Throughout our
studies, we've been learning about how to make the two work, because that's where
we're heading and we do it every day - with the policies that we have, and the
contracts that are handed down from the Government. We can marry that with the
way that we deliver it, with the way that we approach things, and that's how I apply
my learnings with our whānau.
I think [the tohu] is for acknowledgements, and for you to be acknowledged when
you're in a room of people, making what you say counts. However, we all count
whether we have a tohu or not because of our experiences that we have.
This role, it's not really a Social Worker role. However, I think all of us are Social
Workers in one way or another, whether we have a tohu or not. We help whānau
navigate budgeting, relationship issues, and just everyday life which is social.

What do you enjoy most about your mahi?

I've always been a helper and I've always liked to help. I think that's what I enjoy the
most - when we're able to help whānau achieve an outcome, a goal, or an aspiration
that they may have been trying to achieve for a long time.
So being able to help them ‘tick a box’, or to be able to transform from one place into
another is so rewarding. And I think that's what I love about this role. I must
acknowledge that the support that we get as a team from our General Manager and
Manager helps us to do that.

How do you look after yourself in your mahi which can be at times, heavy?

Being able to separate the two - when you come home, you need to leave mahi
Also by simply doing a Ruirui Wai or just going to washing your hands and face in
the bathroom. I make a point that when I come home and get to a certain place on my drive (which
is usually at the Tikitiki sign), that I switch everything off. When I come home, I'm
home. That wasn't always easy to do and it's taken a long time to be able to do that.

The other thing is supervision, which is really important. It's a space where you can
learn new things and can identify where you might need to do things differently. It's a
place where you can let it all out and be told what strategies or ideologies you can
use to try and figure a problem out.

How and why did you get into Social Work?

I came from a kōhanga background, so my passion for nurturing our babies was
ingrained in me. Anne Huriwai, our former Office Manager at the Ruatoria Rūnanga,
approached me to assess a contract she was interested in. It was with Tuhono
Whānau, a family-focused initiative, which I immediately embraced it. Having
experience with children from my time in kōhanga, I found the transition smooth but
sometimes challenging.
When a rule mandated that Social Workers must have Social Work practice, my
colleague Kelly and I pursued studies at Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. It was initially
inconvenient due to other commitments, but eventually became enriching. The
wānanga not only educated us on our history and cultural nuances but also provided
us with language for emotions and behaviours we already knew. Despite the
distance from home, having a study buddy like Kelly was invaluable. Our trips to
Tauranga for noho sessions occurred eight times a year, on top of weekly classes
and additional study hours, which was a juggling act alongside full-time work and
family responsibilities. As the workload piled up, I found myself focusing on completing one task at a time,
unable to plan beyond the immediate deadlines. It was challenging, but as women,
we're adept at getting things done. Towards the end, it became increasingly difficult
to keep up, but I persevered, knowing that each task completed was a step forward,
even if it wasn't easy.

Do you have any acknowledgements?

I would like to acknowledge Anne Huriwai for planting the seed. Rina Elers, who at
the time of my studies was the manager of Tuhono Whānau. Jeannete Johnson, the
supervior at the time as well as Joan-Ella Ngata. Sharlene Connings was a
Kaiāwhina and was very supportive, as well as Stacey Hohipa who had just started.
The whole Ruatoria office at the Rūnanga where my journey started. If it wasn’t for
all the people in that office at the time, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.
Also to our current Horouta Whānau Ora manager Hemoata Jahnke, and Curtis
Bristowe. They helped me over the line. I knew Hemoata, Curtis, and Coby were
coming to my graduation, but to be surprised with the full HWO team as well as
Aroha Mataamua and that team, was massive.

The support and acknowledgements I
received made me feel so valued and special. I’m so grateful to be working in this
space. Shout out to Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou and our CEO George Reedy who also
helped me to get there.

As well as Brendon Te Whana, my 3rd year placement supervisor, and Robyn Smith
of Huarahi Pai, my 4th year placement supervisor.
Last but certainly not least, my husband and my kids – the sacrifices they had to
make in order for me to get this tohu. They were glad to see me graduate. Now my
husband is looking at what I can do next, but I better give them a years grace. I’d
love to continue studying, it’s opened my eyes up. Knowledge is power and it’s
powerful when it’s used to help others. I also hope it opens my tamariki’s eyes to see
what they can achieve. Higher learning is the way to go. If we nourish our children
with these types of opportunities from a young age, they will no doubt follow those

What whakatauki do you live and work by?

The beautiful thing about whakatauki is that they can be translated in many different
ways, depending on the person reading it. When I started my studies, we were
asked the same thing, and I said “treat others the way you would like to be treated.”
This is the main thing that guides me.

Whakatauki can change as you move through life and are at different stages, and
you can grasp onto different ones as you go along, to help you get over that line. I
feel in the mahi that I do at the moment, a whakatauki that is super important for me
is “Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” which is about working collaboratively.

We have so many whānau struggling at the moment, that need
support, and there are so many Māori in different organisations and services, that
can connect to support the one whānau. Working collaboratively and communication
between these organisations and services is key.

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