How can we help?
Te Ihu Waka
Whānau Oranga
Pakeke & Kaumātua
Te Ihu Waka

Te Ihu Waka is designed for Maori offenders and those who identify as Maori, however many non-Maori benefit from attending.  

The programme is marae based and aims to inspire change by helping to discover and recover tikanga – traditional Maori principles, values and disciplines that you can apply in your daily life.


- Promoting inclusivity by providing an opportunity for Whanau to bond and create lasting memories together

Whanau Oranga

- Promotes Whanaungatanga, further strengthening connections within  Whanau

Whakatika Wairua

- Allows for mindfulness and provides an opportunity for Whanau to connect to the Taiao and recharge their wairua


- Encouraging positive social interactions and building stronger relationships within the community


- The act of fishing becomes an opportunity for Whanau to embody the principles of Kaitiakitanga.


- Relationship between whanau and the natural world provides an opportunity for whanau to deepen their connection.


- Personal wealth or prosperity and well-being of individuals and their Whanau.

Referrals for our service come from a Correctional Facility and is available for those who (upon release) return/move to Gisborne

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

To explore how Te Ihu Waka can assist you,

Norman Ngaira

Phone :06 864 6803 

Cell :0225248393    


Te Tini o Porou

75 Huxley Road Kaiti, Gisborne 4010

PO Box 394 Kaiti, Gisborne 4010

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Gisborne Region
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