How can we help?
ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation
Whānau Oranga
Pakeke & Kaumātua
ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation

ACC Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service delivers thorough assistance for those who  may be currently navigating ACC’s systems and processes. 

Our Kaiururangi (Navigator) will work closely with whānau, to understand their  specific needs and how ACC can help them, offering side-by-side assistance for  those that may need to improve their understanding, knowledge, and access to  ACC entitlement and services.  

The service focuses on five pou to achieve whanau well-being. This includes:  

Mana Motuhake

- Autonomy and choices

Wairua me te mauri

- Spirituality, vitality and essence


- Identity and cultural wellbeing


- Thriving and flourishing 


- Authority and leadership

Kōrero Mai
Our contact details:

Chris Haenga

Cell: 022 535 9854 

Phone: (06) 864 9004  



1 Barry Avenue

PO Box 226 , Ruatorea 4032

More Resources

Ētahi Atu Rauemi
Service Reach
Available for whānau from Potikirua ki Te Toka a Taiau
Downloadable Content
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